Wednesday, July 18, 2007

#6 more flickr

Had a look at some flickr mashups and tools.
Retrievr [] amused me for a few minutes - it seems to pick images on colour though, rather than by shape.
Mappr and Montagr look vaguely interesting.
Looked at Fd's Flickr Toys - not much I'd want to use there, but I did create a trading card just for fun


The Learning 2.0 Program said...

Hope you enjoy flickr mashups. Keep up the good work

mb said...

OK I’ve been looking that all these blogs and quite frankly I disappointed with the amount of formatting and general design that’s been going on. Background colors borders, shading, links left right and centre! Its making my blog look 2nd rate and I wont stand for IT. I’m moving Up! Changes must be made!

mb said...

Hey you- web point 2
Vote in my poll (down at bottom of the blog)